Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A new Year..

A new year for all of us always well almost always begins with new promises being made, and majority of them actually to our own selves. We call them resolutions. A few (especially ones related to alcohol) made at the stroke midnight with that much loved champaign glass in our hand and some planned so throughly after a year full of crap you have got into due to these habits, which you eventually do get back to. There are also a few which start and last for about 2 weeks before you decide you have given your best attempt (these are often related to morning walks) and then there are a few which somehow like a 5 year government development plan get postponed to the next new year, which even then have no guarantee of being executed.

A new year also comes along with the dreaded week after new years when somehow, no matter how you try to distract yourself, you keep reminiscing about the year gone by. I should confess i am no exception to this pathetic behavior displayed by all hopeless humans. For me a new year brought along with it a new town in which i will be spending close to 7 months and amongst all the shifting and u-hauling and running to work at 7am and driving through crazy traffic  i still found time to day dream or think about the year gone by. About all the moments of happiness and disappointments, promises of morning walks and marathons that got marched on, of valentines day with my best girlfriend spent in the most 'karan johar film' style by cribbing about guys with a coke bottle at hand, of uncontrollable laughter with friends and gossip sessions with bffs, of job resignations and acceptance into MS, of paper boats sent out on streams on streets while walking without umbrellas, of airport goodbyes and sleepless flights, of landing in a new country, of new challenges faced and overcome, of friendships made and forgotten, of golden eyes and crooked grins,of hairy bears and volleyball games, of road trips and 1st snow fall, of new York and a world never seen, of ice skating and the nasty falls had, of being at the most happening place in the world and wanting to step out, of family and friends missed and remembered, of losing myself and waiting to discover...

But as always a new year is always a fresh start .. a chance to start anew,with a new job in a new country. Time to discover some new talents, some new hobbies, get into some new adventures and sing a few new songs, travel to new places and meet new people. A brand new chance to rediscover..to start what you never dared ...to be what you never could..to chose...to breakaway all over again..

"Out of the darkness and into the sun
I wont forget all the one's that i love,
i gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change,
and Breakaway...."

PS: Pic of wall street at NY (buildings with a hundred floors ..swinging on revolving doors maybe i donno where they'll take me).. taken on a walk back after a day spent walking around on one of the last days on 2010.