Friday, July 30, 2010

Taking flight....

Let go of fear and fly..
Spread my wings and seize the sky..
Believe in yourself tonight.
Run...leap and take flight...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rainy day....

Flooded roads, traffic jams, frustrated drivers is what you can see in Mumbai when the rains begin. But if you roll down the window of you AC car you will see a different site. Cool breeze just waiting for you to roll your window down, the rain that it brings along, the street kids stomping around in potholes filled with water, the desperate attempt of a saree clad 'aunty' to save herself from the big splash that the bus going along side her rickshaw is going to make, the street lights as they look from your half rolled wet window.
When it rains it makes me want to go on long walks, to pester mom to make bhajiya or just sit with a steaming cup of hot tea on my window. And when its late at night and i am at my laptop conveniently located besides my window it makes me want to get my guitar out and forget the virtual world.
A few days back i went on my terrace and got throughly wet in the rain. I stayed there till the chill had spread to my bones and i couldnt stop shivering. The only song that played in my mind on repeat was...
Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams
Let it wash away
My sanity
'cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream
Let the rain fall down
I'm coming clean, I'm coming clean
by hillary duff ....
Its experiences like these that take you back to your roots. Remind you of the innocent things long forgotten. Things that we dint need reminders bout when we were kids. The most simple things in life. The rainy days, when we used to run around in our building compounds fearlessly at speeds that felt as if we were flying..Where the thrill was beyond the fear in your mom's voice telling you to slow down.The victory was more than the fear of a scrapped knee. 

For some rains are bout sorrow. For some bout romance. For me they are about freedom and about being fearless about being me again. The simple 'me' without any complications. Bout waking my dreams, feeling the thunder and coming clean. 

PS : Pic taken at a traffic light on a rainy evening with the window being half rolled down.