Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Moments like this...

So even if your day is really busy and you would probably not find enough time to sleep or cook there are still a few moments in life that make you stop in your tracks.. take a breath and wonder "yeah that definitely makes a difference in me"...
Living so far away from home has given me a chance to come up with quiet a few of these moments..not all are positive but none the less they made a difference...moments when i discovered that i can actually stay away from my family and not die makes me feel strong. To see people being extra ordinary leaders and take control of situations where you are not sure of yourself makes me feel confident of being able to do that someday, to know that 'kind' exist somewhere. To see people as calm as the breeze helped me realize that that's probably something i want to be. To keep a smile on my face when the going gets tough, to not worry bout the judgment made on me..these are the ones that unlike calm water do not ripple out at the slightest provocation but instead find a way around the obstacles they face. A few innocent smiles and shared secrets makes me realize that its not impossible to find friends.. that the innocence of friendship does exist somewhere even amongst all that is said and done... The fact that life still inspires me here to do something better ..something bigger ..... It makes me realize i am not here to wait on time.. that i have to keep moving on..
Life here teaches you to know the importance of little things in life and not always wait on a huge occasion to celebrate... making 'vegetable curry' successfully calls for a photograph and tasting each others kitchen disasters connects us...i have learned to live life differently here.. to live life in moments.. to let them inspire me..

PS: credits for tittle to my very recent friend and pic taken on a walk on a windy sunday morning..